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Learn more about Mind-Wandering


Read some wonderful articles for our special issue of Frontiers on mind-wandering! 




Some news/magazines featuring our work


2021- UA News: What Our Wandering Thoughts Can Teach Us About Mental Health


2021 - AZ Public Media: University of Arizona researchers search for meaning behind idle thoughts


2021- WebMD: What Turns Wandering Thoughts into Something Worse?


2021- VeryWell Health: This Is What Happens to Your Mind When You Focus On the Negative


2020 - Elemental: “A simple insight to help worriers rein in anxious thoughts


2020 - Arizona Daily Star: “Mind Window: An App to See Inside the Mind


2017 - Science Daily: “Brain imaging reveals roots of caring


2016 - Science Daily: “Understanding mind-wandering could shed light on mental illness


2016 - UC Berkeley News: “Does your mind jump around, stay on task or get stuck?


2015 - Universitas Newspaper: “La Tankere Fare” ("Leave your mind danger” ) U. of Oslo


2014 - Science Daily: “Pain from rejection, physical pain may not be so similar after all


2012 - The Dana Foundation: “The Default Network: Your Mind on its Own Time


2010 - Science Illustrated: “Broken Dreams


2010 - Scienceline: “Contemplating Oneness: The Neuroscience of Meditation


2009 - Boston Globe: “Daydream Achiever


2008 - Washington Post: “Aging Gracefully – It’s a Real Workout


2008 - Harvard Magazine: “The Aging Brain


2008 - BBC News: “Normal Ageing ‘Can Addle Brain’”


2007 - Scientific American: “Partial Recall: Why Memory Fades with Age

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